Pathway Details

 Recommended name Monoterpenoid biosynthesis
 Alternative names
H2O + Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + (-)-endo-Fenchol
H2O + Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + Sabinene hydrate
(+)-Bornyl-diphosphate <-> Geranyl diphosphate
Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + Myrcene
Geranyl diphosphate <-> Comphene
Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + (-)-Limonene
NADP+ + (-)-Menthol <-> H+ + NADPH + (-)-Menthone
H+ + NADPH + O2 + (-)-Limonene <-> H2O + NADP+ + (-)-trans-Carveol
H+ + NADPH + O2 + (-)-Limonene <-> H2O + NADP+ + (-)-trans-Isopiperitenol
H+ + NADPH + O2 + (-)-Limonene <-> H2O + NADP+ + Perillyl alcohol
NADP+ + (+)-Neomenthol <-> H+ + NADPH + (-)-Menthone
NAD+ + (+)-Borneol <-> NADH + H+ + (+)-Camphor
NAD+ + 6-endo-Hydroxycineole <-> NADH + H+ + 6-Oxocineole
H+ + NADPH + O2 + 6-Oxocineole <-> H2O + NADP+ + 1,6,6-Trimethyl-2,7-dioxabicyclo[3.2.2]nonan-3-one
NADP+ + (-)-trans-Carveol <-> H+ + NADPH + (-)-Carvone
NAD+ + (-)-trans-Isopiperitenol <-> NADH + H+ + (-)-Isopiperitenone
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine + Loganate <-> S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine + Loganin
H+ + NADPH + O2 + Loganin <-> 2 H2O + NADP+ + Secologanin
H+ + NADPH + O2 + Deoxyloganin <-> H2O + NADP+ + Loganin
Iridodial <-> Iridotrial
Iridotrial <-> Deoxyloganin
Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + (-)-alpha-Pinene
Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + (-)-beta-Pinene
H+ + NADPH + O2 + 7-Deoxyloganate <-> H2O + NADP+ + Loganate
H+ + NADPH + O2 + Loganate <-> 2 H2O + NADP+ + Secologanate
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine + Secologanate <-> S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine + Secologanin
Loganate <-> 10-Deoxygeniposidic acid
10-Deoxygeniposidic acid <-> Geniposidic acid
Geniposidic acid <-> Asperuloside
NAD+ + (+)-trans-Carveol <-> NADH + H+ + (+)-(S)-Carvone
H+ + NADPH + O2 + (+)-Limonene <-> H2O + NADP+ + (+)-trans-Carveol
Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + (+)-Limonene
Isopiperitenone <-> (+)-cis-Isopulegone
(+)-cis-Isopulegone <-> Pulegone
Pulegone <-> (-)-Menthone
Pulegone <-> (+)-Isomenthone
Geranyl diphosphate <-> (-)-alpha-Terpineol
(-)-alpha-Terpineol <-> 1,8-Cineole
H2O + Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + Geraniol
Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + (+)-3-Carene
H2O + Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + (+)-Linalool
NADP+ + (4R)-Ipsdienol <-> H+ + NADPH + Ipsdienone
H2O + Geranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + (-)-Linalool
Metabolism of Terpenoids and Polyketides
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