Reaction Details

 Reaction ID 4198
 Stochiometric Equation sn-3-O-(Geranylgeranyl)glycerol 1-phosphate + Geranylgeranyl diphosphate <-> Diphosphate + 2,3-Bis-O-(geranylgeranyl)glycerol 1-phosphate
Geranylgeranyl diphosphate
sn-3-O-(Geranylgeranyl)glycerol 1-phosphate
2,3-Bis-O-(geranylgeranyl)glycerol 1-phosphate
 Enzymes known to
 catalyse this reaction
 (curated information)
EC Number in Organism UniProtKB Link PubMedID
 Pathways Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites
Glycerophospholipid metabolism
 External Links
 KEGG-Pathway-ID map01110
 KEGG-Reaction-ID R04520

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